Configure book settings

In Jupyter Book, most configurations are controlled in a YAML configuration file (_config.yml). This file controls a number of options that you may use to configure your book (the defaults can be found at the bottom of this page).

This page describes the general structure of _config.yml and how you can use it to control some basic parts of your book. The rest of the pages in this section describe specific features in more detail.

Structure of _config.yml

Here is a very simple _config.yml configuration (it is taken from the demo book config file):

# Book settings
title: My sample book
author: The Jupyter Book Community
logo: 'images/logo.png'

As you can see, keys correspond to configuration options and their values are how you control the behaviour of the book. In this case:

  • title: sets the title of your book. In the HTML output, it is displayed in the left sidebar.

  • author: sets the book’s author. In the HTML output, it is displayed in the footer.

  • logo: sets the logo of the book, relative to the book root. In the HTML output, it is displayed above the title in the left sidebar.

There are also some configuration options that are nested. For example, to configure your book to include Binder links in any section built from a Jupyter notebook, you may use the following configuration:

# Information about where the book exists on the web
  url                       :

# Configure your Binder links, such as the URL of the BinderHub.
  binderhub_url             :

Look out for different book configuration options throughout this book’s documentation.

:::{caution} YAML can be tricky when it comes to how it treats certain kinds of values. For example, when using strings in YAML it is usually fine to omit quotes around them. However, there are certain values that will be converted to boolean values if they do not have strings around them. For example, false, true, off, etc. In addition, pure numbers will be converted to float or int unless you put strings around them. :::

Add source repository buttons

There is a collection of buttons that you can use to link back to your source repository. This lets users browse the repository or take actions like suggesting an edit or opening an issue. In each case, they require the following configuration to be set:


Add a button to open issues

To add a button to open an issue about the current page, use the following configuration:

  use_issues_button: true

Add a button to suggest edits

You can add a button to each page that will allow users to edit the page text directly and submit a pull request to update the documentation. To include this button, use the following configuration:

  path_to_book: path/to/your/book  # An optional path to your book, defaults to repo root
  branch: yourbranch  # An optional branch, defaults to `master`
  use_edit_page_button: true

Disable building files that aren’t specified in the TOC

By default, Jupyter Book will build all files that are in your book’s folder, regardless of whether they are specified in the Table of Contents. To disable this behavior and only build files that are specified in the TOC, use the following pattern in _config.yml:

only_build_toc_files: true

Note that files that are in hidden folders (e.g. in .github or .venv) will still be built even if they are not specified in the TOC. You should exclude these files explicitly.

Advanced configuration (with sphinx)

Users who are familiar with Sphinx configuration may wish to directly add extensions or set options to parse to the underlying Sphinx application.

Adding Extra Extensions

To add extensions, use:

  extra_extensions: [my_extension]

This will append to the list of extensions already loaded by Jupyter Book.

Adding Local Extensions

To add a local extension that requires a path, use:

    <name>: <path>

This will **append to the list of extensions already loaded by Jupyter Book and update the sys.path so the local extension can be found.

Specifying Sphinx Configuration Values

To set additional Sphinx configurations:

    my_option: my_value

:::{warning} Any options set in this section will override default configurations set by Jupyter Book. Use at your own risk! :::

If you wish to inspect a representation of the generated configuration, which Jupyter Book will pass to Sphinx, from the command line run:

jb config sphinx mybookname/

:::{seealso} The advanced section on Sphinx configuration. :::

Configuration defaults

Below is the full default configuration file. Anything you set in your own _config.yml will be merged into these defaults before they are used to configure the build.